My Laos Journey
Saibaidee It's midnight on a cold February night and I'm at SeaTac airport waiting for a red eye flight to Taipei - with a final destination of Laos. I'm excited that after eleven months of planning, this trip is finally happening. But for me it has also been eleven months with very mixed emotions. So let's back up a bit. Several years ago the church I attend wanted to have a presence in other parts of the world. We were already active in our community at home and it was now time to expand. We decided to work with World Concern's One Village Transformed (OVT) program and the first village we adopted was Harako in Chad, Africa. One part of the church/village relationship was that every year we sent two people from the church as ambassadors to the village. When they came home, and I would hear their presentations, a little spark started growing in the back of my mind. Is this something I could do? It was amazing to watch Harako change and after six years of s...